

Retreat info for 2024

We are currently working on a secret retreat center location near Mt Agung and Besakih temple. In the retreats we will be focusing on inner peace, health, yoga, releasing worry and doubt, and of course rituals and ceremony blessings plus energy work and breathwork. The location is in the coffee and orange growing region. We chose this area because it has the freshest air. Fresh air is important for healing. You will be happy to see and feel it. On a clear day you get a powerful close up view of Mt Agung.

The villa design automatically rejects humidity. No mold + fresh mountain air = healthy mind and body.

Please message us for pricing and details.

Water blessing with Jero Tya.


July 30, 2022

These are some photos from Jero Tya's recent trip to Uluwatu. She was there doing a special blessing ceremony and psychic reading for a very special man. Thank you for everything!

Ceremony blessings in Uluwatu Ceremony blessings in Uluwatu Ceremony blessings in Uluwatu Ceremony blessings in Uluwatu Ceremony blessings in Uluwatu

Buying more farmland
July 1st, 2022

Jero Tya made a down payment on a big piece of farmland in her village on the side of a hill with ocean view. It will continue to be used for farming. This is the main reason we work so hard. Jero Tya started sharing her gifts with the public to bring attention to the need to protect the land and the culture in her village. So far we're doing a great job! This is all thanks to you and everyone who has supported us the last 5 years. We will be using this land to grow medicine and food for people with autoimmune disorders like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, food allergies, and digestive issues.

land in Bali land in Bali land in Bali land in Bali land in Bali land in Bali

Jero Tya's Grandma passed
April 17th, 2022

Cremation for the whole village

Jero Tya's 102 year old grandmother passed away early morning April 17th, 2022. She was an inspiration for us. Born in the foothills of Mount Agung, she had a strong upbringing. She collected firewood in the forest every day until her death at 102 years old. It was unique watching her always eating fresh food, picking leaves and using plants from the forest to prepare her meals. We learned so much from her and will never forget the power of her simple way of life connected to the source. When she passed there were others in our village who had passed during the pandemic and the families didn't have the money to pay for the cremation and ceremony which can get very expensive. Jero Tya decided in an instant from her heart to donate enough to pay for the entire ceremony and cremation for her entire village. Now her lovely grandmother and the entire village are relaxed and at peace.

This following photo is from the very last ceremony on the beach in Klungkung close to midnight after performing ceremonies starting 1am the previous morning. It was a very long 24 hours and this is one of the final blessings to send Jero Tya's grandma and the others from our village to the correct place on the other side. This is a transition for the dead and they need to know that we love them and are taking every precaution to get them to the other side with the utmost care and respect. 🙏

Nevin & Jero Tya meeting through yoga

October, 2016

Nevin came to Bali to study yoga due to a back injury from a car accident. He was having trouble walking and was in extreme pain. After attending a yoga training every day for one month Nevin completely healed. In order to stay healthy he started volunteering at Suly resort in Ubud, teaching Balinese high school students yoga and philosophy. After two years of volunteering all of the students graduated and Nevin started looking for a job. He applied to teach yoga at a new studio in Ubud and got the job immediately. Jero Tya was his manager. They started dating and within 6 months Jero Tya and Nevin got married. Jero Tya would often join Nevin's classes but when she got pregnant she got too big to do yoga and had to sit down at the front of the class. After the first day of sitting down she wanted to start bring some small things to make an altar. Slowly but surely the altar got bigger and bigger until they were bringing a motorbike full of statues, flowers, bells, a tibetan bowl, special fabrics, etc etc every day. The students loved it! People's hearts were really being touched by the natural progression of this altar. Jero Tya started singing and reciting mantra during the class. People loved it even more. And this is how Jero Tya's blessing ceremonies were born. Since then they've performed these blessings for large yoga trainings, retreats, a huge 300 person event in Nusa Dua, and a private blessing for a United Nations meeting.